[vc_row row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” text_align=”left” background_animation=”none” css_animation=””][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation=””]The Center for Technology, Society & Policy is a multidisciplinary research and design/build center focusing on the emergent social and policy issues arising from the development and adoption of technology. We seek to build a community of researchers and technologists on campus and beyond who engage with these issues in collaboration with community organizations and advocates, policy-makers, and technology companies.
Co-led by a rotating team of two PhD students, we support relevant projects of UC Berkeley students and their collaborators and host events to discuss new scholarship, action, and platforms. For 2020, our Areas of Focus are Health + Sensors, Sustaining Democracy and Building Community, Integrating Safety & Privacy, and Just Algorithms: Fairness, Transparency, and Justice. We are housed at the UC Berkeley School of Information, and frequently collaborate with the Algorithmic Fairness and Opacity Working Group and the Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity to accomplish these goals. We are proud to be a part of the broader movement for Public Interest Technology at UC Berkeley.
What we do:
CTSP was founded in 2015 by PhD candidates Galen Panger and Nicholas Doty with a generous unrestricted grant from Google, which has since been renewed. We are also supported by event funding from Facebook (the Data for Good competition) and the Charles Koch Foundation (for the Digital Security Crash Course).
All CTSP fellowship support is independently determined by the CTSP leadership and is not based on or indicative of funder approval.
CTSP’s Advisory Board currently includes: Morgan Ames, Alex Hughes, Deirdre Mulligan, Mike Rivera, Anno Saxenian, and Steve Weber.
For 2020-2021 academic year CTSP is led by co-directors Ji Su Yoo and Elizabeth Resor. Learn more about our leadership.
Stay informed by subscribing to our email list and following us Twitter.
If you have questions or ideas, feel free to send us an email.
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”40px”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” text_align=”left” background_animation=”none” css_animation=””][vc_column][vc_column_text] Banner Photo Credit: “Berkeley Sunset” by Joe Parks is licensed under CC BY 2.0 [/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]