Technology + Racial and Indigenous Justice 

Technology + Racial and Indigenous Justice 

We the CTSP leadership acknowledge that academia, grantmaking bodies, foundations, science, policy, and technology have historically and currently reproduced and reinforced structural and systemic racism. As a grantmaking body that is part of an academic institution that sits on occupied territory, we are actively committed to restorative justice practices such as encouraging and educating fellows and the UC Berkeley community at large to contribute to the Shuumi Land Tax. In addition, we promote active and ongoing reflection on how we can ensure that our research and community is aware of both adverse and positive impacts of research, even social impact and social good research. Therefore, all applications for the 2021 CTSP Fellowship must address racial justice in addition to one of the focus areas. We offer the list of resources below as a starting point for applicants (and others) to reference when considering how issues of race, anti-Black racism, and Indigenous rights intersect with technology.

This is a living document – this means that you can suggest books, media, and other educational resources through this form

Race & Technology


  • Race after Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code by Ruha Benjamin, 2019
  • Captivating Technology: Race, Carceral Technoscience, and Liberatory Imagination in Everyday Life edited by Ruha Benjamin, 2019
  • Distributed Blackness: African American Cybercultures by André Brock, 2020
  • Dark Matters: On the Surveillance of Blackness by Simone Browne, 2015
  • Black Software: The Internet & Racial Justice, From the AfroNet to Black Lives Matter, Charlton D. McIlwain, 2019
  • Digitizing Race: Visual Cultures of the Internet by Lisa Nakamura, 2008
  • Technicolor: Race, Technology, and Everyday Life edited by Alondra Nelson, Thuy Linh Nguyen Tu, and Alicia Headlam Hines, 2001
  • Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism by Safiya Umoja Noble, 2018
  • Fatal Invention: How Science, Politics, and Big Business Re-create Race in the Twenty-first Century by Dorothy Roberts, 2012


Articles and Chapters:


Other Projects:


Indigenous Science & Technology

(These suggestions come from a longer syllabus put together by our colleagues at the Indigenous Technologies program of the Berkeley Center for New Media, see here for their whole syllabus)

Land Back/Land Stewardship

Recommended by Corrina Gould, co-founder of the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust


Indigenous Cyberspace

Recommended by Skawennati, Artist & Co-Director of Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace

  • She Falls for Ages (2016): a machinima by Skawennati. This sci-fi retelling of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) creation story reimagines Sky World as a futuristic, utopic space and Sky Woman as a brave astronaut and world-builder.
    • Readings: The book Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson (1992) greatly influenced me in this machinima.
  • TimeTravellerTM: a nine-episode machinima series developed by Skawennati between 2008 and 2013 in the virtual world Second Life, where users can create and activate avatars.
    • Readings: The Myth of the Earth Grasper influenced me in this work, as did the book Childhood’s End by Arthur C. Clarke (1953)
  • Imagining the Next Seven Generations,” Skawennati at TEDxMontrealWomen. Cinema Imperial, Montreal, QC. (30 May 2015)


Genocide and Survivance

Recommended by Corrina Gould, co-founder of the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust

  • An American Genocide: The United States and the California Indian Catastrophe, 1846-1873 by Benjamin Madley (2016)
  • A Time of Little Choice: The Disintegration of Tribal Culture in the San Francisco Bay Area 1769-1810 by Randall Milliken (1995)


Indigenous Knowledges/Indigenous Science

Recommended by Indigenous Technologies staff

  • Native Science: Natural Laws of Interdependence by Gregory Cajete (2000)
  • by Zapotec Science: Farming and Food in the Northern Sierra of Oaxaca Roberto Gonzalez (2001)
  • Spiral to the Stars: Mvskoke Tools of Futurity by Laura Harjo (2019)
  • Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer (2013)


